Day 31 - "Daily Crazy Pattern" is one month

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Geometric pattern

It's been one month since I open my personal project "Daily Crazy Pattern". Well, creating patterns took a bit more time than I thought! ;-) Although I love this daily stuff. Every my morning starts with:"Hmm, what the theme will be for my pattern today? What is a main idea?" And I start to look for this idea. I like my condition – to being inspired by something, it is the coolest thing ever.

What happened this month

First of all I have made 31 unique patterns. Yeyy! Of course, some of them aren't masterpieces, but they can be a good reason to do my best next 11 months of the project)

Second one – I realized that every day is a most important day. I could easily say to myself – "Ok, I love it, I'm inspired by this, but let's do this next week or next year. I'm tired and want to sleep " But… I will have other things to do next week or next year. I have only today. No need to waste your time.

Third one – some of my friends wanted to get a bag and phone case with one of my patterns. I couldn't give it because all my patterns were digital and lay in special folder in my PC. After awhile I decided to open shop with my creations. It will be launched in near future. I hope someone else will enjoy my creations and will have a desire to buy it in my store. Don't miss it.

And the last one, but not least – I promised to myself a month ago, if I wouldn't enjoy with my project after one month, I would stop it. But I don't want to do it. I'm not going to stop projecting. I want to make pattern designs every day all over the next year.

So wish me luck. And enjoy my patterns.

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