A new fresh look

Monday, November 06, 2017

Hibiscus floral design pattern for "Undiscovered tropics" collection

Hello-hello. It's so many things I have to tell you. First, thank you for visiting my renewed creative blog, aka my online home. Yes, I want to call this blog a home. So, welcome here!

It's been many things happening in the last few months, so let me be a good hostess and make a quick tour for you because we both don't want you to lose here forever. Kidding :-) With a new fresh look my blog got some new categories. They will help you learn about the stuff-that-is-happening-here in an easier and quicker way. Here we go.


As a passionate surface designer, I pretty much love a great patterns and nice prints. I hope so badly that you share the same love and will enjoy discovering my most recent creations under “pattern” category. There is also a nice collection in my website gallery, don't hesitate to take a look there too. If it happened that a pattern art isn't your favorite thing, just scroll down, I have some other stuff for you.

Mint beauty - beautiful peony textile pattern design by surface pattern designer Natalia Kolodiazhna

Lettering shelf

I’ve fallen in love with lettering art not a long time ago. So, let me represent a new “lettering shelf” category. (What do you think about this name? Awesome, isn't it?) Every single lettering art, created by me, goes there. By the way, one of my first hand lettering experience was my own logo.

Behind the scenes

Here is another room on my blog - Behind the scenes category. It's a place where I'm going to share with you all behind the scenes stuff. All my experiments and tries to create cool art I'm going to leave there. It's quite interesting to discover the process of creating every design and I really enjoy that you can learn it too.


Also, I have a little corner of my blog for my special project - Day to Day Note. Daily life brings us a lot of lessons which we have to learn in order to make our life much better and happier. Every day I learn little lessons, tips & tricks, hacks and few of them write down in my #DayToDayNote list. Hope you find some of them helpful for you as well.

That's all about new updates on my art blog and my online home. Was I good hostess? Let me know it. Only with your help I can make my blog more friendly and better place.

Be happy,

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